Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Mom & Dad

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I don't think I will ever have enough pictures of my parents. I know they get sick of me taking them at every family function, BUT...I know they won't be here forever. It is so hard to watch them get older and it's hard watching my dad get lost and lose his memory. I just cherish the days and years I have left with them!


Tami said...

It's got to hard to see someone like your dad, who is supposed to be infallible, start to decline. I recognize your Mom from her visiting RS. No wonder you're so pretty...just look at her!

Becky said...

When I went to my parents a couple weeks ago I was taking a picture of my mom and dad and my dad refused to smile and be cooperative! He said "you don't always need to be taking pictures of us". guess i might over do it sometimes, but I feel the same as you do. They won't be around forever.