Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sisters and Friends

I have been thinking lately about how blessed I am that my girls are the best of friends! I was born the fifth of five children and the only girl. At the age of 11my mom got remarried and I was blessed with three step sisters. I love my sisters and wish I could of been closer to them growing up. I love that my girls walk by each other and ask for hugs, I love when they take thousands of pictures together just because, I love when they have sleep overs even though they all have their own rooms, I love that they miss each other when one is gone, I love that they are supportive of each other and stick up for each other. But mostly I love that they LOVE each other so much! My wish for them is that they will continue their friendship as they grow and leave home and they will lean on each other if only to make life easier.


Becky said...

what more can a mom ask for! It is what I hope for with all my girls too! So far, not so good! they are still at the bug each other stage!
you have some sweet girls!

Tami said...

Great new header, girlfriend! Love it. You're very creative, have a good eye with these things.

I love watching my girls be good friends too. You spend all high school reminding them that friends come and go but they'll be sisters forever...then they grow up and finally believe you. (Of course they don't KNOW that they believe you...but you can see it!)

I check your blog every day and didn't realize until this morning that I haven't commented on this post. Sorry about that. I've read your entry a dozen times, smiling each time at the pictures of your beautiful girls! Thanks for sharing.