Monday, March 2, 2009

Hospital Visit

Sunday after church Kelsie started complaining of a bad stomach ache. After being home for about 5 hours it was getting worse and she was curled up in a ball sobbing. Finally I decided to take her to urgent care. They gave her an IV, took some blood, gave her an ultrasound of her gall bladder and then after all the tests and three hours later they decided it must be the...FLU!
She is feeling better today, she is still having some pain but not as bad as yesterday. So glad she is OK!

She did get the softest cutest teddy bear to take cost about $100!


Tami said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to see this!! That is one expensive bear. Good thing it's soft, is all I can say. One the other hand, I'm glad that it wasn't any more serious than that. Poor thing! Give her hugs for me!!

Becky said...

the worst part is that it means she just has to suffer through it! that darn flu!
i read through your other posts-love the elvis, but WHAT was there dance? there were so many costumes that had nothing to do with each other? i would love to see it!