Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

Friday Kelsie got her wisdom teeth out. Everything went great and on the way home she was saying all sorts of funny things. She asked me if they brought her to the car in a wheel chair and I told her they had then she asked if they thought she was quadriplegic. She asked if she watched Barney when she was little, I told her she did, she said AWESOME! She kept asking who put her sweatshirt on and I told her it was the nurse, her response 3 times "What's her name" I told her Melissa she says " she's nice I like her." When I pulled up to Albertsons to get her scripts I told her to stay in the car she got out as soon as I stopped. I had to run around and hold her up. While we were waiting for her drugs she told me they had cut her tongue out and that's why she had so much gauze in her mouth. I told her they didn't, she wouldn't believe me. Through all of this conversation her mouth was full of gauze and I couldn't understand her very well so she was repeating herself over and over. Finally I told her to quit talking...she DIDN'T.

All day she did very well, the pain was controllable and she was eating and sleeping. Then the trauma started! At 4 in the morning Kelsie woke me up asking for more meds. I got up to get them for her and something to eat with it. She walked to the bathroom and then walked into the kitchen. As I was putting Jello in a bowl she said I feel light headed then BAM she was face first on the floor. She hit the chair, that thankfully moved and missed the desk by an inch! I tried to turn her over which was so hard because it was dead weight finally she came to and started crying, we got her turned over and her mouth was full of blood. My blood pressure dropped and I sat down by her and yelled for Kilee who had been sleeping in the same room with us. She jumped up and ran in the kitchen and I was telling her to get me some gauze or paper towels while I felt like I was passing out. Kelsie said she felt like she was going to throw up, then Kilee said she felt like she was going to throw up. I told Kilee to run and get Kayla up then I passed out next to Kelsie. Kilee got to Kayla told her I needed her then proceeded to pass out on the bathroom floor. By the time Kayla came downstairs I had started throwing up, Kelsie was crying, and Kilee was green on the floor upstairs. Good thing Kayla was here we were all a mess. We got Kelsie back in her chair and I caught my breath I called my mom and dad and Ben and my Dad gave her a blessing. My mom is very calming in tramatic situations so was able to calm us all down. After it was all over Kelsie ate her Jello with a hole in her lip and a very sore chin and we all tried to get some rest. WHAT A NIGHT!! I am so thankful it wasn't worse than it was. I use to be able to handle trauma but I think with age and seeing my kids in pain is just too much!

Chubby Cheeks!
Hole in the lip...OUCH!!
Her favorite..Mashed Potatoes


Tami said...

How traumatic! Why do things like this always happen in the middle of the night, is what I want to know. So glad she missed the desk as she went down or she would have had more than a hole in her lip, huh?! Good thing Kayla has a strong stomach and is good in stressful situations. What's her major? She's going to make a great mom! Hope Kelsie's gums and lip heals soon, poor thing!

Becca B said...

That story is hilarious!!! I can't believe all of you were passing out, i had to read through it again to make sure i was reading it right! I'm glad you made it through :)

Melinda said...

Oh my HECK!!! What a night of drama. Glad everyone is ok. I bet you look back and laugh tho.

Melissa-Mc said...

What in the world? Some crazy sickness. I love the conversation with Kelsie while under the influence of drugs. It must have reminded you of what it is like to have a 3-year-old.

Becky said...

poor swollen thing! I can't believe you were all passing out everywhere---what girly wimps you are :)

Crystal said...

Glad to see that not everyone passed out! What a crazy night at your house!