Monday, November 10, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

Kilee with her swollen cheeks!

Kilee got her wisdom teeth out last week.  Since we had a 4 day weekend we decided to get them out since they were bugging her.  A lot of people have commented on how old she is (14) but I guess when I think about Kilee and teeth she has always been ahead.  She got her teeth early, lost them early, got her 12 year old molars at 10 and braces soon after.  So when the dentist told me they were ready to come out before her 17 year old sisters I wasn't that surprised.  Kelsie's are ready to come out too, it's just getting her to stop everything and be down for a few days.  I guess when they are bugging her they will come out!  Luckily her face is almost back to normal after many ice packs, lots of pain pills, antibiotics and JELLO!  Two down one to go!  One funny story....the first night I slept on the couch while she slept in the recliner.  At 1 a.m. she woke me us shouting.."MOM! Harry Potter is in here with 100 other people."  First being screamed at while in a deep sleep is jolting but then trying to understand that she really thought that Harry Potter was standing in front of her was so confusing!  Needless to say the pain pills didn't last long after hallucinating and then throwing up we decided that ibuprofen would have to do.  


Becky said...

she looks like she is 10 in that picture!!
poor kilee! good thing you got them out now- get it over with before you have a dating life to worry about!
hey, I gotta go! Harry Potter just showed up over here- and he brought lots of friends!!

Tami said...

Poor little thing! I'm so sorry she's had quite a time with those teeth. I agree with Becky...she looks so young. (But her mother does too!) Jeffery Bran hallucinated this summer when he had his teeth out. I can't remember what he saw but he said some pretty funny things. You should ask Julie about it. :)

How's your brother? He's in our prayers.

Did Kilee ask Harry when his next movie is coming out?

Philip and Melissa said...

Oh my gosh....I couldn't help but giggle! She still is so cute!

Becca B said...

i didnt even recognize her! like melissa said she still is so cute!